
I did, finally, order the Kinesis Advantage 360. It arrived today, and I am having great difficulty in getting used to it. I don’t know if that’s what I want to say to start this off, because I am ecstatic to have this beautiful machine at hand.

Using excel every day has been getting monotonous. I use the same keyboard shortcuts, type the same numbers and letters every day, and I am starting to become quite stationary. This lack of movement has been difficult for my left wrist, as it usually is sitting at the home-row of my keyboard during my work hours. I did upgrade to the microsoft ergonomic keyboard shortly after my last post. It has been an interesting experience: having a mostly split keyboard. I have been experiencing wrist pain at work, though. I needed to resolve the issues and my wife and I decided to pull the trigger and drop the big bucks.

So, I write this now with the Kinesis 360. I decided on the wired version, because I know that batteries don’t last forever. After my purchase, I learned that there are many upset customers who wish that they did not experience frequent issues with bluetooth, and who desire a more user-friendly programming interface. I am very grateful for my purchase.

I continue to write “’” instead of entering new lines, as the enter key has been moved to my thumb clusters along with space, backspace, delete, and all of the modifier keys that I can think of.

The legending on the keys is interesting. I notice that the “0” is on my right thumb when I activate the keypad layer. I have yet to employ the function layers, but I have big plans for them. I think it will be nice to have f2 on my right hand, on the function layer with the numpad configuration. This way, when I am using this keyboard for data entry, I can append excel cells.